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(18) Springtime in the Pamirs

After returning from Spring Break in Uzbekistan, the entire character of Khorog started to change. The valley snow miraculously melted, it was possible to walk without slipping, and over the next two months everyone began to once again enjoy the outdoors. What a difference! School wrapped up by late April, the older students left for internships, and the younger students started a month-long Practicum. Faculty were kept busy re-evaluating the year-long curriculum but on weekends we had time for trips, both short and long. Here's a smattering of photos from the Khorog vicinity.

Afghan village across the River Panj, near Darvoz. As we drove upstream (and uphill) to Khorog, we transitioned from a verdant Spring to the brown hills of late Winter

Snow melted by the final week of classes, so we managed to schedule one field trip for the sophomore Earth Science students. From left to right: Adnan, Arslan, Sadaf, Saif, Mish, Ismat, Safarmamad, Khodonazar, and Khursand

It wouldn't be Spring in the mountains without a hailstorm

The village of Tusion (just south of Khorog) after the snowmelt. Fields are plowed and ready for planting

Another day hike, this time through Chindin valley looking south toward the 6000m peaks of the Shakhdara Range


Apricot trees in full bloom on the UCA campus

One some Saturdays, Afghanis are allowed to cross the River Panj and trade with Tajiks. It's a small but energetic bazaar with fascinating people.

Everyone marches in the Victory Day parade commemorating the end of WWII. Sixth from the right is the governor of GBAO, Mr. Yodgor Fayzov.

Reminiscing on Victory Day

By late May, flowers in the Botanical Garden are in full bloom

Geology field trip for incoming Freshmen students. "See the landslide perched above the UCA campus?"

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